Our grants program supports projects and initiatives that advance the resiliency of our watersheds while adhering to a framework of reconciliation and pursuing collaborative relationships to steward the restoration and conservation of healthy watersheds for generations to come.
In this first year, the Fund’s Grants Program will start flowing commitments of $7-$10 million to communities, spread across two grant intakes in 2024/25, to address urgent and long-term watershed security needs. Together with the Grants Working Group, we endeavor to build a foundation of work, systems, and approaches that transfer over and evolve into the long-term multi-year grants program offered through the Watershed Security Fund.
Learn more about our current Funding Opportunities.
Grants Program Vision
We envision a future where flourishing watersheds and the unimpeded flow of water are of the utmost importance and water is highly valued as the sacred source of life. Our grants program will support work that nourishes our waterways, upholds the strength of Indigenous voices and ways of being in relation to the land and water, and weaves together enduring relationships and partnerships that flow throughout and across watersheds.
Funding will meet watershed stewards and champions where they are at, building partnerships and collaboration amongst First Nations, local governments, NGOs, community groups, and scientific communities.
Like the natural ebb and flow of our waterways, we will grow and evolve through this work with water remaining the most important environmental, cultural, economic, and spiritual wellspring we share.
The Grants Working Group
The WSF Grants Working Group is comprised of a diverse group of leaders with deep knowledge, experience and connection to regional watershed needs and communities across BC. They are generously providing their learning and insights to support the development of an evolving innovative multi-year co-developed grants program offered through the Watershed Security Fund.
The Watershed Security Fund is fortunate to benefit from the collective wisdom, experience, and leadership of the members of the Grants Working Group:
Lydia Hwitsum
Co-Commissioner, First Nations Water Caucus (Cowichan Nation)
Teena Demeulemeester
Delegate, First Nations Water Caucus (Saulteau First Nation)
Deana Machin
Delegate, First Nations Water Caucus (Syilx (Okanagan) Nation)
Brodie Guy
Chief Executive Officer, Island Coastal Economic Trust
Tara Marsden/Naxginkw
Consultant, Hlimoo Sustainable Solutions (Gitanyow (Gitksan) people)
Tim Morris
Director, BC Water Legacy
Ione Smith
Senior Agrologist, Upland Agricultural Consulting
Working Group Members are encouraged to contribute their own unique perspectives and are not representing the views or positions of their respective Nation, community or organization.
Our Priorities and Funding Streams
WSF Grants support projects and initiatives that take place in territories and regions within what is known as British Columbia, achieve actionable progress on ecosystems health, and which prioritize reconciliation, healthy communities, climate resilience and sustainable economies in any of these areas of watershed-based work.
Funding Themes (Areas of work) include:

Watershed Collaboration, Planning and Governance

Watershed and Ecosystems Restoration

Nature-based infrastructure

Watersheds & Food Systems

Monitoring and Assessment

Land & Water-based Learning, Intergenerational Knowledge